The 5-Minute Rule


Getting into the flow of work can be easier than you think. Working on something super important can have some challenges just starting. You probably heard the saying, “Stop worrying and just start.” Many other expressions are made from that direct meaning, but there may be a new option that you haven’t heard of that is very helpful. It’s called the 5-Minute Rule. And it goes like this.

Just 5 Minutes.


The 5-minute rule is like this: Set a timer for only 5 minutes, and only for those 5 minutes; will you do one thing. And that’s it. No phones, no other project, just eyes on the one task and go. As soon as that timer is up, you will have already set your mind to continue working on that task you were stalling to do for so long. It’s the trick for your brain to focus and get to work.

Our brains are wired to a task once we put enough time into it, and 5 minutes is exactly enough time to wire in. We may be focused on other things, but when it’s time to focus on something else, we need to get in the zone again. Giving our time 5 minutes will change the task that our brain can work with.

There are many articles about this rule that I have found online, but In a video by Matt D’avella, he talks about the benefits of this strategy by eliminating distractions and finally getting to work.


Ending Quote

There are no limits to what you can accomplish except the limits you place on your thinking.


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